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Evening Ebb
Robinson Jeffers


The ocean has not been so quiet for a long while;
Five nightherons fly shorelong voiceless in the hush of the air
Over the calm of an ebb that almost mirrors their wings.
The sun has gone down, and the water has gone down
From the weed-clad rock, but the distant cloud-wall rises.
The ebb whispers.
Great cloud-shadows float in the opal water.
Through rifts in the screen of the world pale gold gleams,
and the evening Star suddenly glides like a flying torch.
As if we had not been meant to see her; rehearsing behind
The screen of the world for another audience.

This poem is in the public domain.




Robinson Jeffers (1887 - 1962) was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, but moved with his family to California as a young teen. Studying first literature, then medicine, then forestry, a small inheritance finally allowed Robinson to turn his attention to poetry, with a side occupation as a stonemason. As a committed outdoorsman, much of Robinson's work centered around the wild beauty of nature.



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