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A Poem for Children on Cruelty to the Irrational Creation
Jane Cave Winscom


Oh! what a cruel wicked thing
For me, who am a little King,
To give my hapless subjects pain,
And make them groan beneath my reign.

Were I a chafer, and could fly,
Ah! should I not with anguish cry,
Should naughty children take a pin,
And run me through to make me spin?

Were I a bird took from my nest,
Should I not think myself oppressed,
If tossed about in wanton play,
Till, maimed and faint, I die away?

Now, and when I'm a bigger boy,
Let cruelty my heart annoy,
Because it is a dreadful evil,
That only fits me for the Devil.

If I must aught of life deprive,
The quickest way I will contrive
To stop the trembling victim's breath,
And give it little pain in death.

I'll not torment a dog or cat,
A toad, a viper, or a rat:
They're formed by an Almighty hand,
And sprang to life at his command.

A bull, a horse, yea, every creature,
Of the most mild or savage nature,
Were kindly given for my use,
But never meant for my abuse.

Good men, Thy holy word attests,
Are kind and tender to their beasts:
May I be merciful and kind,
That I with Thee may mercy find.

This poem is in the public domain.


Jane Cave Winscom (1754 - 1813) was a Welsh poet who saw a number of her poems published during her lifetime. Daughter of a customs official who, in turn, married a customs official, many of Jane’s poems focused on domestic life--including the headaches that plagued her throughout her adult life. What little we know about her suggests she was intelligent and well-liked, probably a teacher or house servant, had a strong faith and was a social activist, and was most assuredly a little ahead of her time.


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