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Collectively Speaking
Joanna M. Weston


a gambol of dancers
sends a poke of fencers
past a staff of employees
who gossip about
an indecision of managers
wanting to introduce
a bond of secret agents
into a quarrel of lawyers
which will only confuse
a ream of bureaucrats
asleep behind
a craft of hackers
unheard under
the whistle of modems
used by a flock of tourists
in a maze of canyons
where a fright of ghosts
sends a run of cowards
into the arms
of a gossip of columnists
to be seized by
a clutch of kleptomaniacs

© Joanna M. Weston.
Used here with the author's permission.


Joanna M. Weston (1938 - 2020) lived on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada with her husband, multiple spiders and raccoons, a herd of deer, and two derelict hen-houses. She was the author of Frame and The McGuire (Tradewind Books, 2015) and A Bedroom of Searchlights (Inanna Publications, 2016), plus a number of chapbooks, and her work was published in a variety of magazines and anthologies. Her blog, featuring many of her poems, remains online at


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