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On Aging
Effie Leland Wilder


They say I'm going to be eighty-four.
I feel like it's a whole lot more!
Like 102, when I'm running late
And can find one shoe but not its mate;
When I find I'm wearing mismatched hose.
When I'm having trouble with crooked toes.
When people are laughing, and I'm left out
'Cause I can't hear what the fun's about.
When I'm "down in the back," and weak in the knees,
And things are making me cough and sneeze.
There are swollen joints, and gas, and gout,
And teeth falling in, and hair falling out.

Life is rough. You'd better believe it...
But I find I'm not quite ready to leave it!

From One More Time (...just for the fun of it!) (Guideposts, 1999).
Used here with permission.


Effie Leland Wilder (1909 - 2007) was born in Rockingham, North Carolina, but lived in Summerville, South Carolina for most of her life.  A graduate of Converse College, she married and raised a family, then published her first novel at the age of 85. She went on to write four more. Effie was awarded South Carolina’s prestigious Order of the Palmetto in recognition of her philanthropic work with the Red Cross, several libraries, and Meals on Wheels.


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