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Roll Me Over
Julia Fleeman


The SUVs drift along
highways and city streets
clad in shabby nylon flags
and decals or stickers
that exhort God to
bless America.

Part of a pastoral fantasy
like porcelain buckets at Versailles,
they rarely go off-road,
hot-house flowers
unable to thrive when moved
from the warm protection of garages.

Like addicts they return
again and again to the gas station.
The cap is loosened
the steely nozzle inserted
and the pumping begins.
Fill me up, I need it, I want it,
OOOO I gotta have it....
When the pump shuts off and
the nozzle is tucked away
they depart for a little while,
filled but never sated.


This poem first appeared in
Used here with the author's permission.



Julia Fleeman is a former librarian who now teaches Yoga to senior citizens in Phoenix, Arizona. Her work has been anthologized and has appeared online in several venues. Julia says her hobbies are drinking coffee and laughing.







Post New Comment:
Posted 08/08/2024 11:30 AM
I very much enjoyed your poetry. Thank you.
Posted 08/17/2014 03:37 AM
Love the " hot house flowers" bit. Good poem!
Posted 08/08/2014 12:29 PM
chris schulz:
Julia, we share hobbies of drinking coffee and laughing and this piece started my day off well!!! They just don't get it...and doesn't God only bless America?!!!
Posted 08/08/2014 10:13 AM
Larry Schug:
Oh yeah, baby! Quite the surprise for the first poem of the day. I didn't think I'd begin the day thinking these thoughts. Thanks for feeding my addiction to poetry.
Posted 08/08/2014 07:46 AM
I'd rather roll out of a van! At least you could LIVE in it, if you had to! Good poem!
Posted 08/08/2014 07:09 AM

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