That pecan pie thick with
glazed cinnamon that I denied
my urge to buy at Detroit's gate 11
and that slice of layer cake
capped with buttercream
perched on rotating lace -- O,
didn't those ladies
in their ruffled dresses
teach me anything - the ones
who waved off the dessert cart
the last night of the Titanic?
© by Shoshauna Shy.
Used with the author's permission
Shoshauna Shy began writing at the age of eight, was recruited by a muse in her early 40s and, since then, has since published five poetry collections and a wealth of award-winning fiction and nonfiction. Her poetry has been studied in classrooms, recited in church sermons, translated into Chinese, discussed by book clubs, made into videos, and produced inside taxi cabs and on the backside of city buses. Not a monogamous writer, Shoshauna works on as many as 7-11 projects at a time. The founder of Poetry Jumps Off the Shelf, she lives in Madison, Wisconsin.

This poem proves my point: you only live once.
Posted 12/03/2023 11:58 PM
mouth-watering, fun poem, Shoshauna!
Sharon Auberle
(and true!)
Posted 09/27/2011 05:40 PM
As if 'waving off the dessert cart' wasn't already hard enough?:) This proves that wonderful, original thought re: desserts still exists. Throw those diet books in the Atlantic and live! ~
Posted 09/27/2011 12:46 PM
I laughed out loud. And I do understand the feeling. Phyllis
Posted 09/27/2011 10:34 AM
wendy morton:
Delicious poem. So spare, so funny, so sad.
Posted 09/27/2011 10:26 AM
That's pretty much the way I fly also...if I'm going down in a fiery crash, it's not going to be ON A DIET!
Posted 09/27/2011 08:43 AM
What a wonderful poem! A laconic gem. Yes, I'm not going to wave off my dessert cart.:)
Posted 09/27/2011 04:12 AM