Where did you come from, my splendid winged one?
Just passing through enroute to harry fields teeming
with mice and voles, your nocturnal vittles?
What a strange perch you chose, this asphalt patch
of road to alight, the mayhem of motorists, here,
in the driveway entrance to a shopping mall.
Look around, snowy star! You've managed to do
what even traffic lights rarely can with certainty --
backed traffic to a standstill with your presence.
Rare sight that you are on any road at any time,
your sudden presence has changed the tenor
of the day, slowed the rush, brought the police
to direct traffic and ensure your safety, summoned
wildlife people to attend to your needs. A tiny moment,
a respite from the usual urban ennui, a news item,
a driver's anecdote, a curiosity, quickly forgotten.
Still, perhaps there's a smidgeon of comfort we
can glean from your visit, that despite our failures
and seeming lack of will to do what's right,
this day suggests that hope manifests itself in
most unexpected places and wondrous ways.
© by Glen Sorestad.
Used with the author's permission.
Glen Sorestad is a Canadian poet, fiction writer, editor, publisher, anthologist, and public speaker. Author of more than 25 books of poetry and numerous short stories, his work has appeared in more than 70 anthologies and textbooks and his book, Selected Poems from Dancing Birches, was published in Italy in a bilingual edition. Glen has been appointed to The Order of Canada, that country's highest non-military honor, served as Saskatchewan’s first Poet Laureate from 2000 - 2004, and has given public readings of his poetry in every province of Canada, as well as in many U.S. states and many parts of Europe. Glen lives in Saskatoon with his wife, Sonia, who he claims is his "first and most enthusiastic reader and editor." Learn more about Glen here.

Beautiful poem; thank you for sharing this unusual happening. I hope the lovely 'snowy star' found sustenance. Judy
Posted 01/09/2012 04:56 PM
Man, that was great! What an uplifting feeling you have shared! I especially love the last 4 lines. What a great message! Great start to my day!
Posted 01/09/2012 10:12 AM
Marilyn L Taylor:
It's a joy to read a poem that is unabashedly reverent. Thank you, Glen Storestad, for writing it.
Posted 01/09/2012 06:01 AM
nadia ibrashi:
What a lovely poem
Posted 01/09/2012 04:23 AM