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Where Have You Been All My Life, Johnny Depp?
Laurie Aron

If I were twelve, I'd write your name in Peter Max pillows
Over and over until it was perfect.
But you were only seven, then.
Five years makes a difference.
You can't remember the day JFK was shot.
That could be a problem in a relationship.
But I'm in love with your celluloid personalities: pirate, gypsy, dead man.
So it's a little exciting to know that you go to the grocery store and the dentist, too.
Next time you're in my town, I shop at the West Side, and see Dr. Klein.

First published in Circle Magazine (Winter 2004)
Used here with the author's permission.


Laurie Aron is a writer who lives in New York.


Post New Comment:
I got your poem and found a bonus in the two lines "You can't remember the day JFK was shot. That could be a problem in a relationship." That gave me a new way of looking at things. Thanks
Posted 02/22/2025 11:21 AM
Well Done and fun to read.
Posted 02/22/2015 10:27 AM
Barbara Victoria:
This is fun.I love it. — Barbara Victoria
Posted 02/22/2015 06:00 AM
Love this little note. I could have written the same sentiments to Jimmy Stewart in my day.
Posted 02/22/2015 04:52 AM
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