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Show Me Your Face
George Wentz


What face are you wearing now?
Is it the one everyone sees --
the smile that says, "Everything's
right with me. How about you?"

Is it the one you keep to yourself,
the one you see in the mirror?
The eyes of worry, the frown
of unhappiness, the tense loneliness?

Is it your nighttime face, the one you wear
waiting to fall asleep, praying to God,
as tears slowly swell and overflow
while you search the darkness for hope?

Show me the beautiful face that is you.
The one hidden deep beneath the surface
that is true, honest, uncertain, imperfect.
The one that says, "This is all that I am."

And to which I can only answer,
"I love you."

--Submitted by George Wentz on 2011-08-09.
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