Are you French or Indonesian
Or Korean or Papua New Guinean
Or Nicaraguan?
Are you black or brown
Or white or yellow?
Are you short or tall
Or able-bodied
Or disabled?
Are you dressed in suit and tie
Or just in rags?
Are you a cabinet minister, president,
Business magnate
Or man in the street?
It really doesn’t matter.
No, it doesn’t matter
(In the values scale),
Any one of these:
It matters very little
Or not at all.
What mostly matters
Is the heart –
How big it is,
How stretchable,
Whether it’s purely physical
Or something more as well;
Whether it can reach out
And touch the mind;
Whether it has learnt the art
Of flying with the wind
To the far ends of the earth.
What mostly matters
Is the heart.
© by Gautam Sen.
Used with the author’s permission.

Gautam Sen lives in Kolkata (Calcutta), India. Widely published in various print and online publications around the world, Gautam is the author of a nonfiction best-seller in India called The Mind of Swami Vivekananda, a children's novel, The Fantabulous Fens, and two volumes of essays and letters. Says Gautam, "My inner life has always centered round three things: my wife (my inspiration), yogic meditation, and my literary efforts. My wife passed into spirit last December, but my priorities have remained the same."
Sharon Urdahl:
"whether it can reach out and touch the mind..." Lovely and truthful. Thank you for the reminder of what life is about.
Posted 11/27/2012 11:56 AM
You have certainly beautifully cut to the heart of all that matters.
Posted 11/27/2012 11:06 AM
very inspiring as well as true...thank you ~ Judy
Posted 11/27/2012 10:32 AM
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