Yes, Elvis has left the building
And you may be glad to see the back of
A hot potato
Jumping on the bandwagon
But once in a blue moon
You will hear it on the grapevine
Rather than straight from the horse's mouth
Which is a far cry
From the best thing since sliced bread
Something you can see eye to eye
While cutting the mustard
By drawing all the best of both worlds
To make a long story short
Now if you feel a bit under the weather
Do not burn the midnight oil
Or sit on the fence
But just give it the benefit of doubt
And then hit the sack
Even in this heat of the moment
© by Changming Yuan.
Used with the author's permission.
Changming Yuan grew up in a small, rural village in China, started to learn the English alphabet at age 19, and published monographs on translation before leaving his native country. Now, with a Canadian PhD in English, he currently edits Poetry Pacific with his son, Allen Yuan. Changming's credits include ten Pushcart nominations, the 2018 Naji Naaman's Literary (Honour) Prize, Best of the Best Canadian Poetry, BestNewPoemsOnline, Threepenny Review, and 1,459 others across 42 countries. Changming lives in Vancouver.
Mary Lou Taylor:
I felt like walking the plank because I couldn't cut the
mustard the way Changming Yuan did.
Posted 08/01/2018 07:39 PM
So smart
Posted 08/01/2018 09:37 AM
Such fun.
Posted 07/31/2018 03:16 PM
Lori Levy:
Posted 07/31/2018 12:12 PM
Nicely done! I enjoyed this.
Posted 07/31/2018 11:56 AM
I love poems like this. So clever and fun!!!
Posted 07/31/2018 09:19 AM
This poem is the cat's meow!
Posted 07/31/2018 09:03 AM
Made my day! What a load of tripe! Dish of the day! It hit my funny- bone.
Posted 07/31/2018 08:54 AM
Larry Schug:
This poem, makes me happy as a clam.
Posted 07/31/2018 08:40 AM
Hilarious and clever. Love it!
Posted 07/31/2018 08:28 AM
Changming, this is delightful. Thank you, and so "spot on" with how we communicate in this country!
Posted 07/31/2018 08:14 AM