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I Heard a Bird Sing
Oliver Herford


I heard a bird sing
In the dark of December.
A magical thing
And sweet to remember.

"We are nearer to Spring 
Than we were in September,” 
I heard a bird sing 
In the dark of December. 

From Welcome Christmas! A Garland of Poems (Viking Press, 1955).
This poem is now in the public domain.



Oliver Herford (1863–1935) was an American poet, humorist, and illustrator. Born in England, his family moved back to the U.S. when he was twelve. He returned to Europe to study art in London and Paris, then moved to New York in his late twenties. Oliver enjoyed a prolific career as a writer and illustrator, appearing regularly in leading magazines of his day, including Life and Ladies’ Home Journal, and he published more than two dozen books for children and adults. His witty, sometimes scathing verse, earned him the nickname “America’s Oscar Wilde.”



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Bill B:
In the doldrums of winter, it helps, just a tad, to consider the expanse of light & heat that will eventually get here.
Posted 01/17/2024 06:48 PM
My favorite solstice poem!
Posted 12/21/2021 12:57 AM

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