(after Billy Collins)
I want to console you on this rainy day, dear reader,
when your dog wants to take a walk and you don’t.
I want to tell you I’m sorry your toast burned
and you dropped that raw egg on your newly waxed floor.
Things are bound to get better—unless you get a late notice
from your credit card company because you forgot
to pay the bill and the added interest is enough
to purchase a shiny new Yamaha motorcycle;
or the boy next door comes begging
for a cookie, steps under your arm as you hold the door
slightly ajar and tracks mud through the living room.
Don’t worry. You can rent a steam cleaner
or hire a company to give your carpet royal treatment.
Just don’t put it on your credit card and forget to pay again.
But as I said, the day is bound to go better—
unless your brother-in-law arrives with his wife
and six children, surprised you never received his letter
saying they decided to vacation all week at your home,
and you’re out of butter, have no fresh meat on hand,
that egg you dropped was your last one,
and it’s time for lunch and the children are whining.
But no matter, you can take them to Chili’s
or Country Buffet and put it on your credit card.
So, dear reader, take the dog for a soggy walk
despite the pounding rain and he’ll eat the burnt toast,
lick the broken egg from the floor—and you can get credit
from your in-laws for having a clean kitchen.
This poem first appeared in the Rockford Review (Summer/Fall, 2009).
© Wilda Morris
Used with the author’s permission.

Wilda Morris is president of Poets & Patrons of Chicago. Author of a nonfiction book about youth violence, her first book of poetry, Szechwan Shrimp and Fortune Cookies: Poems from a Chinese Restaurant, was published in 2008. Wilda's poetry has been published in numerous print and online journals and in the anthology Empty Shoes, and she has won a number of awards for free and formal verse, including a Prairie Poetry Award from College of DuPage and a Pushcart nomination. Learn more about Wilda, and participate in her monthly poetry prompts and contests, at wildamorris.blogspot.com.
very cute!
Posted 04/30/2011 06:20 PM
Gail Goepfert:
Some days are truly just like this. And the soggy part certainly applies of late in Chicago!
Posted 04/29/2011 08:12 AM
this poem made me smile
love the phrase
... take the dog for a soggy walk
thank you Wilda!
Posted 04/28/2011 09:28 AM
Kay Sanders:
Oh, Wilda! This is priceless! And so true to our lives. Thank you. Kay
Posted 04/28/2011 06:43 AM
Patricia Esposito:
A delightful look at real life, with an nice arm of compassion to help us through.
Posted 04/28/2011 06:20 AM