After dinner the girls shadow box
In the kitchen. There is small space
For their joy, their blonde energy
As they bob and weave near the counter.
I warn them about the hot
Burners, coffee pot and knives.
Metaphors fly; they are merry and warm,
I am their crazy coach, reciting
Combinations as what’s left of dinner burns.
Chin down, guard up!
Light on your feet,
Snap that punch!
I’ve been training them for years
For the punches life will land,
The world beautiful and brutal,
Everyday and extraordinary.
I want them ready to slip
Through it as we do this night,
So wired by their own lives,
Nothing crowding them in a corner
The whole arena of my love
Resounding in their laughter.
From Saturday at the Gym.
Used with the author’s permission.