Yellow leaf, hand sized, makes its way
Down, floating on fall breezes
Past limbs of redwood, kissing branches
Twirling dance in soundless space
Then cricket chirp answered by crow's caw
Melody echoed by the wooing of steam engine's
Whistle, now the crunch of deer feet, now rush of
Water, now the whoop of a child running along dirt
Trails dappled in afternoon light
Walking holding hands, gawking, chins raised, mouths
Opened in awe, a work of art at every path's turn
Savoring nature's majesty, never-ending inspiration
© by Linda Golden.
Used with the author's permission.

Linda Golden listened to other people's stories for most of her life. As a psychoanalyst, she listened with intensity as others told their tales. Now retired, she is exploring creative writing and painting with watercolor with that same intensity. Brooklyn born, Linda considers herself almost a native Californian. She lives in Woodland Hills with her husband, Mike, and their dog, Katy, in a rambling multi-generational home.
Joe Sottile:
Posted 10/07/2012 12:27 PM
Truly, an autumn painting with words. The "awe" comes through loud and clear!
Noela N. Evans
Posted 10/04/2012 12:23 PM
This morning I took my hike from my easy chair.
Posted 10/04/2012 10:00 AM
Carol Hauer:
Beautiful images of sight and sound. Spirit-soothing way to start a lovely Fall day. I think I'll go for a walk!
Posted 10/04/2012 08:38 AM
Beautiful build up of Autumn, like a painting. x
Posted 10/04/2012 05:13 AM