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I Confess
Alison Luterman


I stalked her
in the grocery store: her crown
of snowy braids held in place by a great silver clip,
her erect bearing, radiating tenderness,
the way she placed yogurt and avocados in her 
beaming peace like the North Star.
I wanted to ask, "What aisle did you find
your serenity in, do you know
how to be married for fifty years or how to live 
excuse me for interrupting, but you seem to 
some knowledge that makes the earth turn and 
burn on its axis—"
But we don't request such things from strangers
nowadays. So I said, "I love your hair."

This poem was selected as the winner of the Oil of Olay "Fine Lines" competition. 
It was also displayed on transit buses in Portland, Oregon, 
as part of that city's "
Poetry in Motion" program.




Alison Luterman lives with her husband and five feral cats in the San Francisco Bay Area, where she teaches poetry to schoolchildren and essay writing to grown-ups. She also performs in an improvisational dance theatre troupe and sometimes writes plays, as well. Alison has worked at a variety of jobs in her life, including HIV test counselor, free-lance journalist, drama teacher, and massage therapist. She has a particular passion for the rights of neglected and impoverished children.Learn more about Alison at



Post New Comment:
Loved the poem. It's too bad we can't just say 'I find you really interesting, can we just grab a coffee and talk?' Not as a 'pick-up' type of line but just because it's true...Judy
Posted 03/03/2015 02:34 PM
Thanks, Alison.
Posted 03/03/2015 02:13 PM
chris schulz:
Thanks Alison, I sometimes wonder if those souls of light get placed in our path to remind us to sparkle!
Posted 03/03/2015 11:19 AM
Posted 03/03/2015 08:41 AM
Beautiful poem, Alison.
Posted 03/03/2015 08:10 AM
This is a beautiful poem!
Posted 03/03/2015 08:05 AM
I know such a lady. Such a lovely poem.
Posted 03/03/2015 12:47 AM
Who hasn't had an experience similar to this? It happens to me all the time Not this specific incident but moments when you want to ask these completely off-the-charts questions and you can only comment on some reductive aspect oftheir presence. Great great poem.
Posted 03/02/2015 11:20 PM

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