Standing on a rocky beach,
my son and I
watch seagulls feed,
bathe, and drift
on a calm ocean breeze.
I feel something loosen
in my chest.
It's quiet.
Salt air caresses
my face.
We discuss the gulls--
trying to identify
a smaller
delicate one.
It's good to be here.
How long has it been
since we were this still?
© by David M. Tookey.
Used here with the author's permission.
David M. Tookey is a retired elementary school teacher who lives in Washington state. He's grateful for time spent with family and enjoys reading, writing, baking, walking, hiking, and cycling. David believes the most reliable way to find inspiration for poems is to always
pay attention to things, especially the little things.
Ahh . . .the beauty of stillness!
Posted 03/24/2019 08:15 PM
Lori Levy:
Soothing to read.
Posted 03/22/2019 07:02 PM
I felt something loosen as well, David,
thanks for sharing.
Posted 03/22/2019 11:38 AM
michael escoubas:
Looking at gulls and just being still--my kind of poem, my kind of life!
Posted 03/22/2019 08:23 AM
Janet Leahy:
Just love the closing stanza of this poem, and the awareness that nature can "loosen something
in my chest". Wonderful poem to start the day.
Posted 03/22/2019 08:09 AM
Larry Schug:
I'm a fan of questions in poems and I think the question at the end is what gives universal meaning to this poem.
Posted 03/22/2019 07:28 AM