My bike is tuned,
both tires are plump.
I hop aboard,
and shout, "let's go!"
Fresh morning air
moves over me,
promising warmth
as sun ascends.
Cold muscles warm
while miles go by.
The cadence stirs
my laggard soul.
I own this road.
I conquer miles.
The nodding trees
bow down to me.
I reach my stride.
Wheels hum, then sing.
Words can't describe
a biker's high.
Back home with friends
we share a meal,
talk parts and gears,
and feel pure joy.
© by Mary Buchel.
Used with the author's permission.

Mary Buchel is retired from a career in organizational and management development. She enrolled in a university theater and acting BFA program, and has now appeared in more than a dozen local productions. Favorite roles are Daisy in Driving Miss Daisy and Bessie in From Door to Door. Mary writes plays, poetry, and short stories at her home near Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
michael escoubas:
Thank you for the early morning bike ride, Mary. Well done--I think I was with you on a double-seater!
Posted 09/06/2019 07:50 AM