When life is a blevit of failure and grief
We carry on carrying on.
When life is so tres, even nothing’s relief,
We carry on carrying on.
When things of the future are things of the past,
When death is before us and first is the last,
When everything comes as a TNT blast,
We carry on carrying on.
When all the mananas are dwindling down,
When slips on bananas are tattered and brown,
When it’s too hard to smile and much simpler to frown
We carry on carrying on.
I’ll carry on you, if you’ll carry on me
On a tres filled with sorrow, and crackers and brie.
And the only thing tres-er is so tres jollie
That we carry on carrying on.
Printed by permission of the author.
©2009 by Jane Yolen.
First publication in Miss Rumphius Effect.
All rights reserved.

Jane Yolen was born in New York City to parents who were also writers. She began writing and winning awards in childhood and is today the author of more than 400 books—for every age level, of multiple genres, and translated into a dozen different languages. A poet first and foremost, Jane is probably best known for her picture books. Two of her children are writers, and one is a photographer/writer (he took the photo above); she has collaborated with all three on book projects. A picture book she wrote with granddaughter Ari Stemple, Kiki Kicks, will be published this month, and In and Out the Window, a collection of more than 150 poems for middle-graders, is soon to be released from Random House. Jane lives in Massachusetts, except for the four months each year when she lives in Scotland; learn more about her at www.janeyolen.com.
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