If it’s true, you, me,
five thousand times more likely
to crash in a car than
in a plane, we should kiss
as we are kissing now—outside
the airport, in a downpour—
every bleary morning, every time
one of us grabs the keys,
kiss hard enough to register
the friction, the precise
tilt of our heads, hint of salt
on our lips, heat or thaw
of something nebulous,
edgeless, that we long to carry—
a willow tree swaying with all
our many-weathered kisses,
the fringe of every held breath,
and this one-and-only gaze
in the rain, in the splatter—
the car horns and thunder—
one of us to head inside,
the other to drive away,
our last smiles flashing
through the pulse of wipers—
blades sweeping fast, faster.
This poem first appeared in Scythe Literary Journal, Volume 1.
Used here with the author’s permission.

Christine Rhein’s poems have appeared widely in literary journals, anthologies, broadcasts, and online magazines. Her book, Wild Flight (Texas Tech University Press), won the Walt McDonald Poetry Prize. A former automotive engineer, Christine says her background as a mechanical engineer, surprisingly, seems to play a part in her writing. "Each poem presents a puzzle, with components and features that need to fit and operate together just so in order to give the reader the best possible ride down the page. Of course, tinkering with poems is boundless, while cars come with many constraints. When I write, I want a ride that’s not safe, smooth, or even steerable, but rather one that’s full of unexpected lunges, turns, and spins.” Christine lives in Brighton, Michigan; learn more about her at www.ChristineRhein.com.
Janet Leahy:
"the bleary morning" full of passion, energy and
mystery, loved rereading this several times,
thanks Christine.
Posted 04/24/2015 09:37 AM
Gilbert Allen:
I really enjoyed the combination of emotional honesty, tenderness, and precise observation in this poem.
Posted 04/24/2015 09:35 AM
yes, love this poem: the idea of it, the moments captured, the language. Very well crafted and with wonderful meaning.
Posted 04/24/2015 09:13 AM
Fine poem. I lingered over it through several reads.
Posted 04/24/2015 07:27 AM
Truly fine work here---ineluctable and irresistible!
Posted 04/24/2015 05:54 AM
Oh, my. I LOVE this poem. Looking at life's dangers head on and then living the heck out of every minute. That's what everything is all about.
Posted 04/24/2015 05:38 AM