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Winter Afternoon
Wayne Goodling


Midway along the journey of my life
I woke to find myself in evening wood
With winter's soft and almost twilight rays
Where forest path meets foliage, tree, and soil
As rains and waters fall and splash and roll
From bark and leaves descending with the flow
Of water's trickled, rippled, downward path
Whose furrows move descending lower still
Until there is no lower place to go
Until within this frame I come to see
Everything now ends at water's edge —
A placid pond made wet with winter's calm.
Here beauty's raptured passion pulls at me
As I desire this place for my eternity.

© by Wayne Goodling.
Used here with the author's permission.

Wayne Goodling is a U. S. Army veteran, now retired from social service education. He says, “Seven decades of trying to figure out my life and staying close to nature, to Christ, and my friends has yielded many poems and essays.”  Wayne grew up in rural Indiana and now lives in South Bend, close to his boyhood roots. He published his first collection, But He Knew How to Die, this past year.



Post New Comment:
What a lovely scene! Thank you!
Posted 12/30/2020 01:03 PM
Lori Levy:
Beautiful scene, beautiful poem.
Posted 12/29/2020 07:18 PM
I read this three times, just to enjoy the beauty of it.
Posted 12/29/2020 02:39 PM
Beautiful! I'm awed by the way the poet creates images, feelings, and scenes with just a couple of words, i.e., "evening wood" inspires my mind to envision an entire scene which he then fills out for us in case we miss the point. Of course, my mental picture is much better than any larger collections of words. Thank you!
Posted 12/29/2020 02:30 PM
Shirley Radcliff Bruton:
Shirley Radcliff Bruton: You've touched upon the beauty of death, or is it really an ending, for eternity continues. Wonderful, sensitive poem. Thanks for sharing.
Posted 12/29/2020 12:58 PM
Wonderful imagery with such a calming, peaceful message. Very nice to read on a winter morning! Well done Wayne.
Posted 12/29/2020 11:16 AM
Wilda Morris:
Beautiful poem. I would like to use it on my blog! You brought me down to the water's edge with you. And yes, a fine place to spend eternity.
Posted 12/29/2020 10:54 AM
You captured the experience of walking in the woods so perfectly. Wow!...I mean...WOW! What a wonderful poem. I'm definitely going to check out your book, Mr. Goodling. Thank you for your service!!!
Posted 12/29/2020 10:34 AM
The couplet � Everything now ends at water�s edge �/ A placid pond made wet with winter�s calm,� stopped me cold, unexpectedly.
Posted 12/29/2020 09:46 AM
As I enter my 86th year next month, your poem gives me thought.
Posted 12/29/2020 08:52 AM
Larry Schug:
I can feel the kind of experience that transcends daily life in this poem, that little moment of magic that is truly huge. p.s. Congratulations on publishing your first book!
Posted 12/29/2020 08:37 AM

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