An invisible one trots about the house
and whinnies when it's hungry.
She loves to draw them with fat oval torsos
and spindly stick legs, pointy ears and horns
and big smiley faces. Even pictures of horses
in her preschool papers and coloring books
become unicorns, thanks to a magic-wand crayon.
This is how a horse can become blue with a pink mane
and a rainbow-colored spike on its head.
Even unsuspecting zebras and cows can be transformed.
Today she drew me a birthday card with backward Ps
and a Technicolor unicorn. If only I could ride it back
to that magical four-year-old's land
where there was still so much more to believe in.
© by Bruce W. Niedt.
Used with the author's permission.

Bruce W. Niedt is a retired civil servant and a lifelong resident of southern New Jersey. A happily married father of four and grandfather of three, his poetry has appeared in numerous journals.and he is the author of seven poetry chapbooks. Bruce's first full-length collection will be released by Kelsay Books in 2022. Learn more about him at bniedt.blogspot.com.
How lovely that you can visit that magical place with your granddaughter!
Posted 08/31/2021 03:15 PM
What a wonderful, moving, expressive poem. Love it!
Posted 08/28/2021 11:12 PM
where there was still so much to believe in. So poignant, so true, I felt a little ache in these unbelievable times. Sigh
Posted 08/27/2021 03:15 PM
Lori Levy:
This poem could be about my granddaughters!
Posted 08/26/2021 01:34 PM
The more color, the better!!!! Well done Bruce.
Posted 08/26/2021 11:15 AM
Sharon Waller Knutson:
I love this picturesque charming poem about a four-year-old that turns horses into unicorns. My favorite image is "the horse that turns blue with a pink mane
and a rainbow-colored spike on its head."
Posted 08/26/2021 11:11 AM
Cathys Sister:
Brings me back to when my son drew Teenage Ninja Turtles on everything!
Posted 08/26/2021 10:13 AM
michael escoubas:
I have a 4-year-old granddaughter . . . let's hear it for multi-colored, strange-shaped unicorns and the bulging imaginations that make them happen!
Posted 08/26/2021 08:39 AM
"Unsuspecting zebras and cows"! LOL!
Posted 08/26/2021 05:49 AM