My granddaughter tells me with the charm
and certainty of her five years that Jupiter
"is the ice cream planet. If you stepped on
it, you would sink," she recites, passing on
the disarming metaphor of her "other"
grandma. Her eyes go dreamy when she
envisions Saturn's rings. (My turn: "snow-cone" texture!)
"Whoa!" she says when we read that Betelgeuse
could hold a billion of our suns. Undwarfed
by spaces where no human race is,
silences where matter barely whispers,
giggling at the name and unafraid, she's on a ride
like the Flying Unicorn, and just thrilled
with these new proofs the world was made for delight.
From Bird Flying through the Banquet (FutureCycle, 2017).
This poem first appeared in Innisfree Poetry Journal.

Judy Kronenfeld is a retired college lecturer of English and Creative Writing who returned to her first love—writing poetry—in mid-life. Originally from the East Coast, Judy now lives with her anthropologist husband in Southern California. Her fifth book of poetry, Groaning and Singing, will be published by FutureCycle Press in early 2022. Learn more about Judy at http://judykronenfeld.com.
Oh, to see the world again through the eyes of a child . . .! Lovely, moving piece
Posted 09/18/2021 10:46 AM
We know which side she got her charm from! You brought to life the delight of seeing the world through a child's eyes.
Posted 09/16/2021 04:26 PM
I love the line: the world was made for delight.
Not only true of children but also puppies and kittens...
Posted 09/16/2021 03:15 PM
Lori Levy:
Perfectly captures the imagination and enthusiasm of grandchildren.
Posted 09/16/2021 02:32 PM
Sharon Waller Knutson:
Delightful poem. Love the ice cream and snow cone metaphors.
Posted 09/16/2021 08:06 AM