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David M. Tookey

~ for D. George Tookey

A shiny beast drops you in the jungle
Fend for yourself

You become
Heat, courage, humidity, fear

A gun clicks
A life is lost

You rarely speak of it
After you return

Your mother's kitchen
Chocolates on the counter

A blessing, thank you

© by David M. Tookey.
Used here with the author's permission


David M. Tookey is a retired elementary school teacher who lives in Washington state. He's grateful for time spent with family and enjoys reading, writing, baking, walking, hiking, and cycling.  David believes the most reliable way to find inspiration for poems is to always
pay attention to things, especially the little things.




Post New Comment:
I love a poem that says more with less. Like this one. A blessing, indeed, to all vets.
Posted 11/11/2021 10:29 AM
Sharon Waller Knutson:
I loved this sparse, moving powerful poem. In just a few words, David, you honor your father and other veterans well on this Veteran's Day. I honor my father and father-in-law who fought in WWII.
Posted 11/11/2021 10:20 AM
I honor all of us veterans and appreciate the suffering and sacrifice as I pray for the end of the wars that create them.
Posted 11/11/2021 09:53 AM
Spare, like our lives were, so often when we served, David. Well done . . . how appropriate on an occasion when so much as been asked and offered . . . so many sweet memories once the air has cleared.
Posted 11/11/2021 09:50 AM
This says it all. Thank you.
Posted 11/11/2021 09:36 AM
Darrell Arnold:
I spent four years in the Air Force during the Viet Nam conflict. I was a medic, and I spent my four years at Shepard AFB, in Texas. We performed physical exams on servicemen going to and coming from S.E. Asia. It was easy and safe work, especially when compared to that done by our combat veterans. A friend who survived and returned home told me not to feel guilty. He said. "All service is honorable." I agreed with that, but I countered with "All service is not heroic. Yours was." God Bless all of those who faced death. You are true heroes. Thank you, Jayne, for presenting David's tribute.
Posted 11/11/2021 08:49 AM
Very important poem. Short and to an excellent point. Any veteran would, I believe, be impressed with the brevity. My dear veteran is gone from me sadly for these emotional twenty-one years and in my thoughts every moment of every day.
Posted 11/11/2021 08:47 AM
Succinct and moving. Nicely done.
Posted 11/11/2021 08:34 AM
Larry Schug:
Thank you to all veterans today. All of us are humbled and grateful for your sacrifice on our behalf.
Posted 11/11/2021 07:49 AM

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