The likelihood of finding strawberries
tiny and wild and sweet
around your ankles
on any given day
in any given place
is not great
but sometimes
people find strawberries
right where they are standing
just because it is their turn
to be given a taste
of something wild and sweet
© by Ralph Murre.
Used with the author's permission.

Ralph Murre is a recovering Wisconsin farm boy who has taken to poetry instead of plowing, since the pay rate is about the same, and the females involved tend to be human rather than Holstein. His books to date are Crude Red Boat (unfortunately now out of print), Psalms, and The Price of Gravity. Ordering information for these books is available from littleeaglepress@gmail.com. You can learn more about Ralph, and enjoy his photographs, drawings, and more poetry, at his Arem Arvinson blog.

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