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In Her Own Time
Camille A. Balla


Tall and spindly, she stands behind
her sunny neighbors of summer—
a backdrop for their "zinneous" beauty,
waiting for her time to come.

Amid their late August goodbyes,
she quietly shows her face
as gently she nods
while pansies bow out.

Right on time, she greets September
in purple straw hat,
swaying with lifting breezes,
savoring short crisp days,
knowing autumn waits in the wings.

Like a petite purple star, grounded
in a chorus of plenty, she watches
green turn to crimson and bronze; listens   
to the crunchy steps of passersby; feels
October winds twirl around and about her.

Through sun, rain, unpredictable days
and frosty November nights,
she lingers for 'the last dance'.

Her name? just Aster.

From Simple Awakenings ((Linebyline Press, 2010).
Used here with permission.


Camille A. Balla lives in suburban Chicago. Many of her poems are inspired from the view outside her window, or from her walks along various trails. The author of Simple Awakenings, a chapbook that spans the seasons of the year, she is a life-long learner who enjoys digital photography, small discussion groups, garden walks, trying out new recipes, collecting quotes, and creating greeting cards for family and friends. Camille's poetry has appeared in a wide variety of publications as well as on gift items and greeting cards.



Post New Comment:
Lucida, thanks for sharing the poem. It likes that! 😊 I just found your message.
Posted 11/22/2024 11:50 AM
Everymonth I select a poem for our garden club newsletter. November is such a dreary month her in New England, but this poem is so....joyous. Thank you!
Posted 10/02/2023 01:09 PM
Thanks to all who commented, making me aware of how the poem speaks to each you.
Posted 10/18/2022 08:54 PM
Lori Levy:
Beautiful portrayal of asters.
Posted 10/17/2022 04:08 PM
Wilda Morris:
A lovely poem, Camille! An excellent nature poem and, at the same time, an excellent metaphor.
Posted 10/17/2022 11:17 AM
A perfect poem for this time of year as I watch the woods and meadows around me slowly transform. Thank you!
Posted 10/17/2022 09:34 AM
Amid their late August goodbyes, is a fine line.
Posted 10/17/2022 09:14 AM
Larry Schug:
Metaphorically. we all bloom in our own time. The late bloomers are special, both in the garden and in life. I appreciate this poem.
Posted 10/17/2022 08:58 AM
Really like the craftsmanship displayed in this poem, Camille. Vivid imagery. Thank you.
Posted 10/17/2022 08:06 AM

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