Dear neighbor-to-the-north of mine ~ It is with the
Utmost high regard that I would like to inform you
Of the presence of your son's whirligig flying object
That abruptly ensconced itself into the interior
Of my pride-of-pride, Grandiflora rose bush, and in the process
Decapitated a couple of the most radiant, rosebud clusters
That had previously adorned my otherwise barren, lackluster
Backyard. Well, I just wanted to say, no worries!
And that I well know that accidents do happen,
Especially when kids somehow magically channel their
Monsters and demons in healthy, outdoorsy ways.
Please retrieve said son's IFO, preferably ASAP.
This poem first appeared in Bramble.
Used here with permission.
Stephen Anderson is a Milwaukee, Wisconsin poet and translator whose award-winning work has appeared in numerous print and online journals and has been featured on the Milwaukee NPR affiliate, WUWM Lake Effect Program. Stephen is the author of three chapbooks and three full length collections, and several of his poems formed the text for a song cycle in The Privileged Secrets of the Arch, a chamber music composition performed by members of the Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra and an opera singer. A fourth poetry collection, On the Third Planet from the Sun: New and Selected Poems, is forthcoming in the summer of 2024 (Kelsay Books). Stephen’s work is being archived in the Stephen Anderson Collection in the Raynor Libraries at Marquette University.

Wilda Morris:
A fun poem with a surprise turn and a great attitude toward children at play.
Posted 06/28/2023 09:17 AM
I really enjoyed your poem today. The humor is delicious.
Posted 06/23/2023 09:54 PM
A good laugh for Friday! Thank you!
Posted 06/23/2023 08:50 PM
Lori Levy:
Like the humor in this poem.
Posted 06/23/2023 12:57 PM
Leslie Hodge:
Charming! Love the "voice"!
Posted 06/23/2023 12:01 PM
Good one!!!
Posted 06/23/2023 11:33 AM
Arlene Gay Levine:
As a person who has grown roses for many years, this poem truly resonates and made me laugh out loud. Great job, Steven!
Posted 06/23/2023 11:33 AM
Good one! It took a turn toward nice when I thought it might have been headed elsewhere.
Posted 06/23/2023 08:55 AM