I ask the woman at the check out,
Do you know of a Chevron Station in Springfield?
Hmmm. I think there’s a station nearby.
Maybe Chevron. Could be Shell or Texaco.
There’s some kind of gas station near 14th
on the corner by the two-story yellow house,
the one with the peeling white picket fence.
You know, the house with the award winning
red roses in the front yard.
I used to know the family who lived there
but the house has seen better days.
New people moved in.
The garden is overgrown. Needs work.
Everything needs work
Even the roses look poorly.
Heading toward the door,
I see the manager stacking shelves.
Do you know of a Chevron Station nearby?
Sure, he says.
Get back on 105 heading east.
Get off at 42nd Street.
Turn south.
Pass Weyerhaeuser.
Cross the railroad tracks.
The station is on your right.
© by Sharon Lask Munson.
Used with the author’s permission.

Sharon Lask Munson is a retired teacher, poet, old movie enthusiast, and lover of road trips. Author of many published poems, two chapbooks, and two full-length books of poetry, she says many things motivate her to write: a mood, a memory, the smell of cooking, burning leaves, a windy day, rain, fog, something observed or overheard and, of course, imagination. Sharon lives and writes in Surprise, Arizona.

Absolutely love this poem, the delightfully humorous contrast between two ways of seeing. Not so humorous when these two mindsets try to converse with each other in real life. Takes enormous patience because they can drive each other nuts...
Posted 09/30/2024 08:43 PM
Lori Levy:
Love the directions given by the woman at check out.
Posted 04/10/2024 12:35 PM
Did you hear me laughing? (:
Posted 04/10/2024 11:59 AM
LOL. You got a lot more than just simple directions! Too funny.
Posted 04/10/2024 11:40 AM
After all that, I think I'd just go to a Valero, Marathon, Buck-ees, Exon, Shell, Sinclair, 7-11, any place close. HELP!!!! Randy Mazie
Posted 04/10/2024 11:33 AM
Sharon Waller Knutson:
I love this relatable charming poem. Reminds me of the small towns I lived in and can still see the house and scenery and families that lived there but not exact names of streets and how to get there.
Posted 04/10/2024 10:41 AM
Wilda Morris:
Fun poem!
Posted 04/10/2024 10:10 AM
Im afraid that my directions resemble that of the checkout lady. Fun poem!
Posted 04/10/2024 08:42 AM
Darrell Arnold:
Tell that to Siri and see where you end up.
Posted 04/10/2024 08:40 AM
Larry Schug:
Gotta like this poem. Great ending.
Posted 04/10/2024 07:51 AM
Alarie Tennille:
Great fun! I've had similar "helpful directions" before.
Posted 04/10/2024 06:41 AM