If we get a Round Two,
there are things I would not do
I would not work in retail.
I would not spend Thanksgiving alone.
I would definitely not go out with
that creep from the Chrysler place.
There are things I would do differently:
I would paint rooms turquoise
and fuschia and lime
instead of beige.
I would spend more money on pedicures
instead of on shoes.
I would buy stock in Amazon
instead of Enron.
I would go caroling
and take long walks in the wood
more often, eat
fresh raspberries and ripe pineapple
every day,
spend more time on a porch,
less time in a car,
and revel
in the glorious wisdom that comes
with age.
© by Jayne Jaudon Ferrer.
Used with the author's permission.

Jayne Jaudon Ferrer is the author of five books of poetry, a nonfiction book about games, and a novel, Hayley and the Hot Flashes. Jayne created www.YourDailyPoem.com in 2009 to share the pleasure and diversity of poetry. A former copywriter, magazine editor, newspaper columnist, and freelance journalist, her work has appeared in hundreds of publications. When not writing or reading, Jayne enjoys music, old movies, gardening, hiking, and good conversation. A native Floridian, she has lived in Greenville, South Carolina, for almost 30 years. Learn more about her at www.jaynejaudonferrer.com.

Joan Luther:
A wonderful walk through wisdom!
Posted 06/01/2024 01:15 PM
Jayne, you have done your part to bend the river of poetry toward poems we can enjoy rather than poems that feel like a homework assignment. Thank you so much.
Posted 05/31/2024 11:07 PM
You have brought a whole community together with your sharing of poems, have brought joy and moments to remember and mostly dear Jayne, you with all your enthusiasm and caring. Thank you for everything and for this last poem. See you on June 1
Posted 05/31/2024 10:30 PM
Ah,Jayne....thank you for all the wonderful poetry over the years.
Posted 05/31/2024 09:57 PM
Wonderful words for us, Jayne! Thank you! I look forward to hearing about your new adventures!
Posted 05/31/2024 09:23 PM
Wonderful poem Jayne! Looking forward to a long, enjoyable reprise of the YDP catalogue. Please keep us all posted regarding your new adventures. :-)
Posted 05/31/2024 04:52 PM
Amen, amen, amen, Jaynee! All good wishes for your road that lies ahead. Grace
Posted 05/31/2024 02:42 PM
Shoshauna Shy:
I love your poem, Jayne, and look forward to reading the poems you have yet to write when you *are* spending more time on porches than in cars and eating raspberries!
Posted 05/31/2024 01:17 PM
Sharon Waller Knutson:
I love this cheerful charming poem. Perfect uplifting do over poem. I don't know what I would do over because if anything changed the course, I wouldn't have gotten the wonderful life I have now.
Posted 05/31/2024 12:46 PM
Love it! I couldnt agree more!
Posted 05/31/2024 12:07 PM
Love it! Thank you, Jayne. Caroline Johnson
Posted 05/31/2024 11:32 AM
Ron Stewart:
Thank you Jayne for all you have done for poetry, poating 5400 poems in the process. Live Life Love Poetry
Posted 05/31/2024 11:23 AM
Beautiful poem, Jayne! Early every morning when I wake up, I wonder, "Has the early bird been up and posted the new poem already?" All the poems I've read on this website are worth reading again and again! Thank you, Jayne, for all your hard work!
Posted 05/31/2024 11:18 AM
Nabby Dog:
This is the perfect poem to conclude the amazing run of daily poetry. Jayne, maybe you can hear multitudes of poetry lovers shouting, "Thank you! Thank you!"
Posted 05/31/2024 11:14 AM
michael escoubas:
I'll take a handful of raspberries and pineapple chunks if you have any left! This poem makes smile because it catches me where I live, with only a handful of regrets, lost among the sweet fruits of life.
Posted 05/31/2024 10:54 AM
Jayne, Im also a newcomer and so glad I found your amazing daily poetry webpage! Your poem is a true inspiration and a wonderful prompt. Thank you for including me in the YDP family!
Posted 05/31/2024 10:30 AM
Wow! This one made me tear up~~and smile!
Posted 05/31/2024 10:22 AM
Ah, glorious wisdom in becoming and being who we are! reveling in our favorite colors. I love this poem, Jayne! And thanks for the writing prompt.
Posted 05/31/2024 10:17 AM
Tom Sharpe:
Im a newcomer, but have enjoyed a poem with my milk and banana for the last couple of years, the three AM ding announcing its arrival. Unlike some, I would love to go back and make all those same mistakes again. I have been places and seen things most never will and I would love to say I did it twice. But most importantly, your site has made a better writer of me. Thank you.
Posted 05/31/2024 10:07 AM
Thanks, Jayne, for all you have done to raise the profile of modern verse. It has been an honor to see my work featured.
Posted 05/31/2024 09:04 AM
Gilbert Allen:
Funny and true.
Posted 05/31/2024 08:41 AM
Darrell Arnold:
You are our hero, Jayne. God Bless You for all you've done for us. Not only have you entertained us over our morning cup of coffee, but you have educated us, and you have given us a cherished outlet for our own creative efforts. Go out and have a blast and know we will be checking in every morning to read poems we missed and reread poems we love.
Posted 05/31/2024 08:23 AM
Thank you for 15 years of poems! You have brought so much joy to my life first thing in the morning. I'm smiling as I read this poem of yours twice. Thank you, thank you. xoxoxo
Posted 05/31/2024 08:21 AM
Larry Schug:
Ah, hindsight; a great teacher if we pay attention.
Posted 05/31/2024 07:49 AM
Paint the rooms with color, not date that creep, and skip that hot tip on Enron, I relate! Enjoy your respite. Youve earned it and given us much to appreciate. Thank you. Randy Mazie
Posted 05/31/2024 06:48 AM
Loved the "creep from the Chrysler place." Thanks for the giggle this morning.
Posted 05/31/2024 06:38 AM