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How Does a Poem Mean?
Royal Rhodes


--For the 15th anniversary of

Y ears unfold like pages in a book
O ffering surprising poetry,
U sing words that drew us in--
to look.
R emembered on this anniversary,
D iverse tastes a thousand poets fed
A s they joind a poetry parade,
I nspiring or sobering, instead,
L ines that made us joyful or afraid.
Y ou brought together those who write and read,
P erplexed with life and voicing what the heart
O f all of us may dream about and need.
E ach of us is lifted up by art.
M ystery in lyrics never bores,
S ince the pulse of life you hear is yours.

© by Royal Rhodes.
Used here with the author's permission.


Royal Rhodes lives in Gambier, Ohio. For almost 40 years, he taught at Kenyon College. Royal's poems have been published in many journals in the U.S., Canada, the U.K., and Asia, and he is the author of several handcrafted poetry books published by Catbird (on-the-Yadkin) Press in North Carolina. Having spent a lifetime studying ancient Greek and Roman poetry, Royal often looks to those sources for inspiration in writing about life, nature, and love. He recently published two art/poetry collaborations: Specimens & Reflections: Panoramas of Italian Churches, and Shadows and Imaginings. Learn more about him at



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