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A Strauss Waltz
Barbara Eknoian


is playing in the background,
while I fold my laundry.
I sway with the music,
swing my husband’s white
shirt back and forth
like a maestro
conducting an orchestra.
Without leaving my chair,
I dip and turn the cloth.
It’s now a lovely waltz gown.
My feet tap to the beat,
one, two, three, one two three.
I’ve never felt so light before.
Gracefully I’m whirling,
whirling across the dance floor.

© by Barbara Eknoian.
Used with the author's permission.


Barbara Eknoian writes poetry, novels, and short stories. Her work has appeared in numerous venues and her latest book is More Jerkumstances, New & Selected Poems. Barbara lives in La Mirada, California with her daughter, grandson, and two cats;
she says the younger one keeps the family on their toes because she's full of mischief!


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