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Gather Ye Rosebuds
Dorothy K. Fletcher



fill your aprons
with the goodbyes

of lovers
and babies

and lives
put them

into your cookies
and sewing baskets

roll them out
in your pies

knead them
into your loaves

you never know

when you'll miss
that one farewell

you never saw

From Zen Fishing and Other Southern Pleasures (Ocean Publishing, 2005)
Used with the author's permission.

To Anne "Dobie" Michael

Dorothy K. Fletcher retired in 2007 after 35 years of teaching high school English in Jacksonville, Florida. Her poetry and articles have appeared in nearly a hundred publications, and she has written and had published seven books. A former columnist for The Florida Times Union,  Dorothy has written six Jacksonville histories, the first sof which earned her a Preservation Award from the Jacksonville Historic Preservation Commission in 2011.  At this point in her writing career, she has moved into fiction. Her latest novel, The Chambermaid, is set in the 1564 colony of Fort Caroline, which was located in the Jacksonville area. Dorothy still livees in Jacksonville with her husband, Hardy, close to their children and grandchildren. Learn more about her here.


Post New Comment:
This is beautiful and too true.... Judy
Posted 11/30/2010 02:46 PM
Joe Sottile:
This poem is both haunting and lovely! I must admit that the foreword written my Jayne for Zen Fishing and Other Sea Pleasures is one of the most beautiful pieces of prose about poetry that I have ever read!
Posted 11/30/2010 11:11 AM
Love it
Posted 11/30/2010 10:21 AM

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