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The Accent
Shoshauna Shy


moves my blood like butter moves
in a Catoosa County skillet

taking me downriver on
the detours of his A's,

his R's and D's as cushioning
as a swallow of Bay Rum, his humming

soft as suede I want to smooth
between my hands.

Let my tongue scoop the hollows
where his tossed-out T's have fallen,

wander the ravines where his G's sit
forgotten, press the palate, lick the gap

where Dixie goes a-whistlin', taste
the place where these sounds come from ?

Let me taste where they were born.

This poem won an Honorable Mention in the"Love Letters Lost & Found" competition 
sponsored by the Milwaukee Public Library, and was subsequently published in their broadside.

Used here with the author's permission.

Shoshauna Shy began writing at the age of eight, was recruited by a muse in her early 40s and, since then, has since published five poetry collections and a wealth of award-winning fiction and nonfiction. Her poetry has been studied in classrooms, recited in church sermons, translated into Chinese, discussed by book clubs, made into videos, and produced inside taxi cabs and on the backside of city buses. Not a monogamous writer, Shoshauna works on as many as 7-11 projects at a time. The founder of Poetry Jumps Off the Shelf, she lives in Madison, Wisconsin.



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My goodness! I am all a twitter! Very sensual!
Posted 01/13/2011 07:03 AM

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