"Say yes to beautiful without paying the price."
-- from a label on Suave Rainbow Mist Shampoo
Hello, beautiful.
Wait, I mean yes,
Beautiful, I say yes.
I understand you come cheap.
Let me begin again.
You are beautiful
To that I say yes
Yet while you are beautiful
You are by no means expensive
You are free as the spray
From that waterfall at Hanalei
You are ... suave
You are the white light
Broken into colors by the prism
Of rain so you arc
Above all the waters
You are certainly a bargain
I will not haggle anymore
About your good looks
Or your cost.
© by Lawrence Wilson.
Used with the author's permission.

Lawrence Wilson is public editor of the Pasadena Star-News and the San Gabriel Valley Newspaper Group. He studied poetry at UC Berkeley, where he was a co-founder of the Berkeley Poetry Review. Lawrence's novel in progress is "Old for California;" he is also at work on "A Surfing Itinerary," a series of poems about beaches and breaks in California and Hawaii. A fourth-generation resident of Pasadena, CA, you can learn more about Lawrence at https://twitter.com/publiceditor.
v. cooool
Posted 03/20/2011 11:35 PM
Lawrence; you've outdone yourself?
in a long line marksmanship poetry.
Posted 03/19/2011 02:08 PM
Loved your poem, Larry, where did you go to High School and when? I mean, how many people, that I MIGHT know write for the Daily Poem much less subscribe to it?
Claudia Coleman
PHS '62 twogforce@yahoo.com
Posted 03/16/2011 12:28 PM
Phyllis Beckman:
You are the white light
Broken into colors by the prism
Of rain so you arc
Above all the waters...."
On some level, I have recognized this truth, but, thank you for articulating it in such a way that I'll not forget it.
This poem is a WOW!
Posted 03/16/2011 04:15 AM