The wonder of it all--
almost a year of waiting
a week of sleepless nights
Finally this
the mare presents
one tiny perfect hoof
encased in an iridescent bubble
as magical as those we blew
through childhood's wands
We wait breathless
for one more miniature hoof
Next the milky sphere reveals
a baby nose,
nostrils already flaring
trying to breathe.
Like an axed tree
the mare
In one convulsive heave
the bubble bursts expelling
a flawless foal
Its little whinny is answered
by a low encouraging
nicker of love
We are awed to silence. . .
miracles take place in a stable
From Celebrating the Heart-land (Jericho Productions, 2009).
Used with the author's permission.
Linda Lee Konichek is a textbook author, entrepreneur, and former teacher who has always loved poetry, horses, and Wisconsin--not necessarily in that order. For more than 30 years, she has raised Morab horses (a cross between Morgans and Arabians) on a 114-acre farm in Eagle, Wisconsin; her poems tend to reflect the every day miracles that surround her there. Learn more about Linda at www.jerichocreekfarms.net.
Beautiful, Linda! Words well chosen (and no unnecessary ones). And your spacing, the placement of lines, enhance what's happening. Thanks for the photo, too.
Posted 03/30/2011 10:44 AM
How beautifully you have expressed the birthing of Bella. I can't wait to see her--and you.
Posted 03/30/2011 10:28 AM
Ben Bulben:
Loved the poem, especially the image of the "iridescent bubble/as magical as those we blew/through childhood's wands" For me, that brought the whole poem together!
Posted 03/30/2011 08:43 AM
I don't know why, but the last line brings me a few happy tears. This is beautiful, Linda. I miss you all! <3
Posted 03/30/2011 08:00 AM
Posted 03/30/2011 07:44 AM
beautiful poem.
Posted 03/30/2011 06:57 AM