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August Without Fanfare
Scott Owens


August blew his flute in the shade,
lay down by the water, kicked off his shoes,
put his feet up, refused to care
about money, time, the national debt.
August lounged on tree limbs,
hung tires from branches, fell in love
with water, played break the wave,
jump the wave, ride the wave in.
August faced the horizon with indifference,
waited for pecans to fall, muscadines
to turn, trumpet vines to sound
their wild annunciations.
August proclaimed the fish in the trees,
the cleavage of shadows, the stars
shooting holes in the sky,
God in his glass-bottomed boat.
For once the dog days of August
were not dog days at all
but children running through woods,
warming their mouths with words
unafraid to be spoken. August
sang to mockingbirds' random chants,
pressed his face into crepe myrtles,
wore mimosa in his hair, scratched his name
into trunks of trees. August made friends
with everyone, fed the birds,
watered the plants, wanted to give
his bread to the child in the street.
August came in without fanfare,
stayed its requisite number of days,
colored the night bright with stars,
left us the resurrection of children.

From The Book of Days, a chapbook published online by the Dead Mule School of Southern Literature in 2009.
Used with the author's permission.


Scott Owens is the author of 20 collections of poetry and the recipient of numerous awards. Professor of Poetry at Lenoir Rhyne University and former editor of two poetry journals, he is the founder of Poetry Hickory, a monthly reading series. Scott's newest collection is ‘Round Here: Images from and Near Catawba County. He lives in Hickory, North Carolina, where he owns and operates Taste Full Beans Coffeehouse and Gallery.Learn more about Scott here.



Post New Comment:
I love the intertwined themes in this. Very creative! A bright spot in a rough morning.
Posted 08/01/2024 09:03 AM
Larry Schug:
Ah, how nice to see this poem again. I like it even more this time around. p.s. Scott, I miss the Wild Goose!
Posted 08/01/2024 08:22 AM
Larry Schug:
Perhaps another word for retirement should be August. This is exactly what I want my days to be like, beautiful, thoughtful, full of good works and love. I've kicked off my shoes and "refuse to care about money, time, the national debt." Good work.
Posted 08/01/2014 03:31 PM
OH! I thank you for this peom...It says so much so beautifully... I read it out loud from the very start. It made me HAPPY. I am getting ready to read it again right now
Posted 08/01/2014 02:13 PM
chris schulz:
"God in his glass-bottomed boat" the playful images! Just read to my sports and business minded husband and he smiled during the reading and proclaimed "I love that one". You have inspired me to write as I sit in the green mist of the eastern Sierra's. Also have to make a visit to Hickory, if the coffee is as good as the poetry...
Posted 08/01/2014 09:56 AM
Excellent poem of place, Scott. Yes, a few images seem southern (love those pecans) and true to your place, but it also allows me to apply much of this to the Midwest. Thanks for an inspiring poem. I needed that!
Posted 08/01/2014 08:38 AM
Posted 08/01/2014 04:42 AM
Love this one, though the details of flora and fauna don't apply to Wisconsin. A real August feeling.
Posted 07/31/2014 11:23 PM

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