It's no use
Mother dear, I
can't finish my
You may
blame Aphrodite
soft as she is
she has almost
killed me with
love for that boy
This poem is in the public domain.
Sappho (621 - 570 BC, estimated) is one of the few early female poets we know about. Born into an aristocratic family in Greece, then married to a wealthy merchant, she enjoyed the freedom and opportunity to study and explore the arts at will. Although there was one period of time when political oppression caused her to flee her home, Sappho's life was generally one of comfort and happiness. Her poems describe festivals, parades, celebrations, love, and the joy of friends; they were typically sung, or accompanied by music (usually played on a lyre). Sappho was famous enough during her lifetime to see monuments erected in her honor, and her influence on poetry is undeniable. It is also possible that she invented the pick—in which case, her impact on the world of music is equally significant!
Larry Schug:
You live on, Sappho!
Posted 07/31/2024 07:51 AM
Human emotions haven't changed much over the years. Love it.
Posted 07/31/2014 08:37 AM
" I'm so tempted to say sappy" ... As yes. This is why I continue to subscribe to YDP. And this...such a perfect little poem. Striving.
Posted 07/31/2014 02:48 AM
What a marvelous short poem. Blame Aphrodite / soft . . . yes. To think, 2600 years ago, many many generations, yet still fresh.
Posted 07/30/2014 11:39 PM