Make much of something small.
The pouring-out of tea,
a drying flower’s shadow on the wall
from last week’s sad bouquet.
A fact: it isn’t summer any more.
Say that December sun
is pitiless, but crystalline
and strikes like a bell.
Say it plays colours like a glockenspiel.
It shows the dust as well,
the elemental sediment
your broom has missed,
and lights each grain of sugar spilled
upon the tabletop, beside
pistachio shells, peel of a clementine.
Slippers and morning papers on the floor,
and wafts of iron heat from rumbling rads,
can this be all? No, look — here comes the cat,
with one ear inside out.
Make much of something small.
From A Day’s Grace (Porcupine’s Quill, 2003).
Used with permission of publisher and author.

Robyn Sarah was born in New York City to Canadian parents. She wrote and enjoyed poetry as a child and is now the author of nine poetry collections, two collections of short stories and a book of essays on poetry. Robyn is the poetry editor for Cormorant Books in Toronto, and lives with her husband in Montreal. Her most recent collection is Digressions: Prose Poems, Collage Poems, and Sketches (Fitzhenry & Whiteside, 2012).
this my live by this poem. means everything to me.
Posted 05/10/2019 06:08 PM
Beautiful, love this.
Posted 12/06/2011 04:33 AM
A true and lovely song to live by. Thanks.
Posted 12/02/2011 11:15 AM
What grandiose of small insightful things. I love it. Surely to my own taste. The minute glory of creation.
Posted 12/02/2011 09:32 AM
I enjoyed the repetition at the end; full circle.
Posted 12/02/2011 09:04 AM
Glen Sorestad:
The opening line is a good poetic credo for any poet. Well done, Robyn.
Posted 12/02/2011 07:53 AM
nadia ibrashi:
A lovely way to start the day.
Posted 12/02/2011 07:11 AM
Donal Mahoney:
Certainly one of the best YDP poems of the year.
Posted 12/02/2011 07:06 AM