Do you want me to paint you a picture?
Perhaps I might author a play.
I'm not so artistic but surely would try,
for I'm over the moon, as they say.
Do you want me to carve you a statue
or stand up and joyfully sing,
or make, in your honor, a mountainous climb
or attempt some most dangerous thing?
I'd gladly prepare you an omelet.
I swear I would pay for your car
or hold you quite close as a storm intervenes
for I need you, and that's how things are.
© by Phil Huffy.
Used with the author's permission.
Phil Huffy writes early and often at his kitchen table in western New York, casting a wide net as to form and substance. A musician and former lawyer, he enjoys hiking, camping, and cycling. Phil is the author of three poetry collections, including Magic Words, a collection for children that is also available as an audiobook. His work has appeared in dozens of journals and anthologies.
Affectionate and playful, but full of heart. Well-done!
Posted 02/04/2023 11:18 AM
Wilda Morris:
An over-the-top love poem. Fun to read.
Posted 02/04/2023 10:08 AM
How sweet!
Posted 02/03/2023 01:40 PM
Lori Levy:
I like how it begins with an offer to paint a picture for the loved one or write a play and ends with something simple, preparing an omelet or paying for her car.
Posted 02/03/2023 12:45 PM
What a lovely valentine!
Posted 02/03/2023 09:33 AM
Simple, Heartfelt , Honest
Posted 02/03/2023 09:24 AM
Angela Hoffman:
prepare you an omelet, hold you quite close as a storm intervenes-love those
Posted 02/03/2023 08:52 AM
Larry Schug:
A very touching poem, well said and well written. I wish the world was so kind.
Posted 02/03/2023 07:48 AM