"I can't find Barbie's blue shoes!"
"Well." Mom winked at me.
"Maybe a Borrower took them."
It was our private joke
whenever something small
vanished unexpectedly.
Maybe Barbie's shoes
were under the floorboards
in a cozy miniature home
on the feet of a teensy girl
sitting primly on a thimble.
Like The Borrowers book
we read cover to cover
at least three times.
We spent so many sweet hours
between eight and nine at night,
Mom snuggled beside me,
reading just another chapter
in her crisp, calm voice.
And for as long as I live,
I won't see
a lost toothpaste cap
as merely missing,
but maybe swiped
by someone dainty
who needed a new cup
to set on her tiny table.
© by Jacqueline Jules.
Used here with the author's permission.
Jacqueline Jules is a former librarian who found herself intrigued by almost every book she put on the shelf. As a reader and as a writer, she doesn't restrict herself to one genre. She is the author of 50 books for young readers on a wide variety of topics, including two poetry books for young readers, Tag Your Dreams: Poems of Play and Persistence (Albert Whitman, 2020), and Smoke at the Pentagon: Poems to Remember (Bushel & Peck, 2023). Jacqueline is also the author of four poetry books for adults, including a collection of biblically inspired poems, Manna in the Morning (Kelsay Books, 2021). After 26 years in Virginia, she moved to Long Island to be closer to her grandchildren. Learn more about her at www.jacquelinejules.com.
What a fun poem! I love the description of reading together every nightsuch wonderful memories!
Posted 05/15/2023 08:36 PM
Lori Levy:
Beautiful. Love the humor.
Posted 05/12/2023 05:25 PM
Joan Luther:
The Borrowers sounds enchanting! I remember The Littles so wondering if theyre similar.looks like necessary research. Thx for your lovely words
Posted 05/12/2023 03:45 PM
Sharon Waller Knutson:
This poem is magical and imaginative. Favorite image: Maybe Barbies shoes
were under the floorboards
in a cozy miniature home
on the feet of a teensy girl
sitting primly on a thimble.
Posted 05/12/2023 01:59 PM
Cathys Sister:
Loved this poem and was a big fan of The Borrowers books. I can just see them using our missing items. I cant help but wonder how they incorporate my missing socks in their daily life?
Posted 05/12/2023 01:46 PM
Love this poem!!! How neat!!
Posted 05/12/2023 12:31 PM
Very nice. The toothpaste cap is an excellent detail and ties it all together.
Posted 05/12/2023 09:25 AM
Larry Schug:
Charming, indeed! This poem casts a spell.
Posted 05/12/2023 08:36 AM
Charming, appealing piece
Posted 05/12/2023 08:24 AM