This is "Alexander according to Nannie;"
hopefully there are parts where we agree.
You have a great gift for seeing deep--
not always a blessing for a good night's sleep.
You see, with the gift of those azure blue eyes
(which will break a few hearts, I do surmise),
you set the bar high in every endeavor
and build strong bonds that will not sever.
You hold fierce opinions, informed by much thought,
which cause big emotions you have to sort.
You have, I believe, an artist's soul
Which can both elevate and take its toll.
You are learning the steps in that balancing act.
There is truth in instinct but, also, in fact.
Your talents grow with your understanding.
There is joy in leaping, comfort in landing.
You are at the exciting (and scary) open door;
take wing, trust your heart; I'll watch you soar!
© by Bobbi Martino.
Used with the author's permission.
Bobbi Martino grew up in rural Maine, with plenty of woods to wander. Daughter and granddaughter of gifted gardeners, she is a lifelong lover of nature in general and trees, flowers, and the ocean, in particular. A retired nurse and mother of three, Bobbi spends her time these days in or near the ocean—as often as is possible—in Plymouth, Massachusetts, where she lives with Paul, her husband/partner/friend of nearly 60 years. Bobbi enjoys sewing, flowerpot gardening, reading, and writing rhymes for her five grandchildren.
Your poem is a wonderful, moving, wise blend of pride in the grandson and realism
about life.
Posted 09/12/2023 11:55 PM
I hope this poem got famed and is hanging on Alexanders wall.
Posted 09/12/2023 10:32 PM
Lori Levy:
The poem does a great job capturing your grandson's character.
Posted 09/12/2023 02:35 PM
Lovely and wise--what a sweet gift to Alexander!
Posted 09/12/2023 09:23 AM
Wilda Morris:
A wonderful gift for a grandchild!
Posted 09/12/2023 08:46 AM
Larry Schug:
Pay attention, Alexander. Keep this poem in your heart forever, right next to the space reserved for your grandmother. I hope you know how fortunate you are. Grandmother, you are love.
Posted 09/12/2023 08:25 AM
Lucky grandkids and a knowing and wise poetic grandmother!
Posted 09/12/2023 08:15 AM
Joan Luther:
What an honor, to be the subject of your heartfelt words!
Posted 09/12/2023 07:31 AM
Some work seems full of half-truths, but this feels the opposite. From the heart. Thank you.
Posted 09/12/2023 06:53 AM