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Love One Another
John Hartley


Let's love one another, it's better bi far;
Mak peace wi yor Brother - it's better nor war!
Life's rooad's rough enuff, - let's mak it mooar smooth,
Let's sprinkle awr pathway wi kindness an love.
Ther's hearts at are heavy, and een at are dim,
Ther's deep cups o' sorrow at's full up to th' brim;
Ther's want an misfortun, - ther's crime an ther's sin;
Let's feight 'em wi Love, - for Love's sarten to win.

Give yor hand, - a kind hand, - to yor brother i' need,
Dooant question his conduct, or ax him his creed, -
Nor despise him becoss yo may think he's nooan reight,
For, maybe, some daat whether yo're walkin straight.
Dooant set up as judge, - it's a dangerous plan,
Luk ovver his failins, - he's nobbut a man;
Suppooas at he's one at yo'd call 'a hard case,'
What might yo ha been if yo'd been in his place?

Fowk praich abaat 'Charity,' - 'pity the poor,'
But turn away th' beggar at comes to ther door; -
"Indiscriminate Charity's hurtful," they say,
"We hav'nt got riches to throw em away!"
Noa! but if that Grand Book, - th' Grandest Book ivver writ,
(An if ther's a true Book aw think at that's it,)
Says "What yo have done to th' leeast one o' theas
Yo did unto Me;" - Reckon that if yo pleeas.

Awm nooan findin fault, - yet aw cant help but see
Ha some roll i' wealth, wol ther's some, starvin, dee;
They grooan "it's a pity; - Poverty is a curse!"
But they button ther pockets, an shut up ther purse.
Ther's few fowk soa poor, but they could if they wod,
Do summat for mankind. - Do summat for God.
It wor Jesus commanded 'To love one another,'
Ther's no man soa lost but can claim thee as Brother.

Then let us each one, do what little we can,
To help on to comfort a less lucky man;
Remember, some day it may fall to thy lot
To feel poverty's grip, spite o' all at tha's got.
But dooant help another i' hooaps at some day.
Tha'll get it all back. - Nay, a thaasand times Nay!
Be generous an just and wi th' futer ne'er bother; -
Tha'll nivver regret bein a friend to thi Brother.

This poem is in the public domain.



John Hartley (1839 - 1915 or 1917) was an English writer, born in Yorkshire to parents who owned a tea shop. Initially, he worked in the textile industry, but started writing poetry in his twenties and quickly built a reputation as a gifted writer and orator. He published numerous books of poetry and prose, usually written in Yorkshire dialect and frequently focused on the poverty and hardships of that region. In his thirties, John moved to Canada and, eventually, to America. Ultimately, he ended up in Philadelphia, working as a textile designer to augment his writing income. He returned to England in 1894, where he remained until his death.



Post New Comment:
Appreciate exposure to Hartley's unique dialectical verse. This is new to me and expands my vision of poetry. Thank you, Jayne!
Posted 09/24/2023 02:39 PM
Wilda Morris:
Wonderful poem; great advice.
Posted 09/24/2023 10:53 AM
Love the poem and the sound (and the tv show).
Posted 09/24/2023 09:21 AM
The poverty shines through.
Posted 09/24/2023 09:08 AM
Darrell Arnold:
The reading is a little difficult, but the message is a clear as a bell. Kindness works.
Posted 09/24/2023 08:50 AM
Larry Schug:
The second verse seems particularly meaningful to our times.
Posted 09/24/2023 08:26 AM
what a gem! amen!
Posted 09/24/2023 06:35 AM

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